
TrialHawk’s relentless pursuit of maximum recovery has yielded results for many of our clients. Below is a selection of settlements and jury verdicts that we have obtained for our clients. Please note that every case is unique and there is no guarantee that any given case will result in a settlement or jury verdict that will fully compensate our clients. That said, we stand behind our case results as representative of our relentless commitment to pursuing maximum recovery for each of our clients.

$6.15 Million

Jury Verdict

(Judgment reduced to $2.4 Million Cap)

Barnes v. Loudoun Medical Group, P.C.

Improper prescription of diclofenac (highly hepatotoxic NSAID) to liver transplant patient by orthopedic PA, leading to acute and chronic liver injuries and re-listing for second liver transplant.

$4.5 Million

Jury Verdict

(Judgment Reduced to $2.25 Million Cap)

Kenney v. Kump, M.D. et al

Patient suffered post-operative infection and later amputation when his orthopedic surgeon left his tibia (leg bone) exposed after surgery.

You are all amazing and although I’m happy this is coming to an end, I’m really going to miss each of you. Thank you for all the care you put into this case and all the compassion you showed our family. Big hugs to all of you!

Karis F.

$4.0 Million

Jury Verdict

(Judgment Reduced to $2.5 Million Cap)

Jensen-Winkert v. Virginia Hospital Center Physician Group, LLC

Despite requesting a gastric sleeve procedure, patient’s bariatric surgeon performed a gastric bypass instead without her consent, leading to short-term and long-term complications.

$2.5 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient pregnant with monochorionic, diamniotic twins was insufficiently monitored and scheduled for an untimely delivery, leading to wrongful death of both twins in utero.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for our family. Your professionalism and skill has been impressive. It’s hard to believe the past 11 months since we first contacted you, such a whirlwind. We are grateful for the care, consideration, and respect we’ve been given at every step of the way. 

Hanna E.

$2.5 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient pregnant with multiple babies was delivered too soon by physicians, leading to lifelong injuries to the babies.

It is difficult to find the words to adequately express our family’s gratitude for the many months of work that went into preparing for trial and for the truly amazing job that you did during trial in not only representing the family, but giving our Mom a voice. Your performance at trial truly honored our mother, allowing us to share memories of her, her faith and spirituality, the lasting impact her passing will continue to have, and everyone involved sharing the care that she deserved.

Having spent the second most challenging week of our lives with you, a bond has been created. It has been our privilege to work with you and have the opportunity to get to know you. We hope to remain in touch as we now view you as friends, if not family. 

Thank you is not enough, but on behalf of our family, thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts. As Mom would say, “A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.” Keep fighting for families just like ours because what you do is important and invaluable.

Lyn P.

$2 Million

Jury Verdict

Bazil v. Envoy of Woodbridge

Patient was not taken to rescheduled dialysis appointment by nursing facility, leading to brain damage and death.

It was a pleasure to meet you all. You all truly care about your clients. My girls and I thank you so much for everything!  You all have gone above and beyond for us. I could not have found better people to represent me than your firm. Thank you for taking my case and believing in it. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put in. I always felt heard, believed in, and taken care of with TrialHawk. Thank you for helping my family and getting some accountability for what happened to my husband. I know he would be grateful to you all for standing up for us. I appreciate you all more than you know. I will keep in touch. Thanks again so much for everything.

Jamie S.

$1.8 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient was not advised of elevated tumor marker in his laboratory results, leading to a 15-month delay in diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and death.

I want to thank you all from the depths of my heart for believing in my case. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “no, we won’t take this because you didn’t die/your son didn’t have a brain injury” before finding your team. It was a devastating blow during early motherhood-and then came your immediate belief for the merit of my case! I am so thankful that you all thought this was an important case-that my life mattered to you. I am grateful at how smooth the process was, and that I worked so closely with another woman most of the time. Thank you to Heather.

Anastasia M.

$1.65 Million

Jury Verdict

Norfleet v. Valley Physician Enterprise

Patient was not provided outpatient DVT prophylaxis after surgery on broken leg, leading to pulmonary embolism and death.

When a serious injury happened to my wife resulting from the negligent act of a healthcare provider, I had several options: I could do nothing, or I could contact a law firm for guidance. Having been in law enforcement for 30-plus years, I contacted a criminal attorney and without hesitation, he referred us to Rich Nagle at TrialHawk.

After our initial telephone call with Rich, Travis, and Heather, we knew we had made the right decision. The expertise, professionalism, empathy, and timely efforts made on our behalf were amazing. There were no surprises, fees for service were addressed and documented out front as well as any administrative costs.

We would not hesitate for a second to recommend TrialHawk. When they say, “call us anytime, we are here for you,” they mean it.

Bill M.

$1.6 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient received inadequate post-surgical care, leading to delayed detection of vascular problems after knee surgery and amputation of the leg above the knee.

Richard Nagle and Travis Markley are phenomenal lawyers!!! My daughter’s case was turned down twice and I thought it was the end until I was introduced to these angels. They made my daughter their priority, which made me feel secure. Today, justice was served to my daughter and she’s set! These guys are great and I highly recommend them. Thank you Rich and Travis – my family appreciates you guys.

Nakia A.

$1.55 Million

Settlement Confidential

Three-month-old patient was not timely diagnosed or treated for Group B Strep meningitis, leading to his death within twenty-four hours of hospital admission.

The decision to initiate a medical malpractice suit was not one my family took lightly. We wanted a talented firm that could lead the way in a very honorable and dignified manner. We found exactly that with TrialHawk. Travis and Rich handled my children with kid gloves while diligently researching and preparing an excellent strategy for our case. They kept us aware of the developments of the case and did everything to make my family as comfortable as possible. They made an excellent team with a tremendous mix of knowledge, experience and professionalism that was on display before, during and after our trial. I would recommend TrialHawk to anyone who has been involved in an unfortunate situation and wants to explore their options with experienced attorneys.

John L.

$1.25 Million

Jury Verdict

Davis v. Sanders, M.D. et al.

Patient underwent improperly performed laparoscopic gallbladder removal, leading to bile duct injuries and reconstructive surgery.

$1.225 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient underwent wrong-level spine surgery, requiring expansive repair surgery to address non-healing at previously healthy level of the spine.

Thank you for all that you did for our sons, including how quickly it happened and for making it as painless as possible. We were so lucky to have found you! I can sleep at night now knowing that one of our sons can get the care and support that he deserves (he wants to be a Ninja warrior!) and that I can focus on getting our other two sons ready for college without worrying about how to pay for it or taking away from the support that they have and need today. In spite of their injuries, they are overcoming!

Kate P.

$1.2 Million

Jury Verdict

Solis v. Yuzefovich, M.D. et al.

Patient’s prenatal ultrasounds were misinterpreted by her obstetrician’s office, leading to her baby’s stillbirth.

When I lost my leg following a failed knee surgery, I didn’t know what to do. I just knew that something had to be done. But TrialHawk took care of everything and made me feel like I was part of their family. I appreciate the tireless efforts of Rich and Travis in getting me through trial and beyond. I could not have asked for better lawyers. Thanks!

Dwayne K.

$1.2 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient suffered from new onset of chest pain after starting chemotherapy and oncologist failed to respond, leading to death of patient from chemotherapy cardiotoxicity.

$1.1 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient presented to ER with chest pain and abnormal EKG, but emergency physician did not assess patient or activate the cardiac cath lab, leading to death of patient in the ER waiting room.

The TrialHawk team is simply an amazing group. When our daughter passed away unexpectedly, we believed she passed due to the inactions of a healthcare provider. From the very beginning, all we ever wanted was for the healthcare provider to be held accountable for his actions. Money would not bring our daughter back. Through the referral process, we landed on TrialHawk’s doorstep. Jim Knaack spoke with us several times as he gathered information about our case. Then we worked several months with Travis Markley and Rich Nagle, who also represented us in court. I have NEVER seen two more professional gentlemen with the ability to think on the fly in a highly stressful environment than Travis and Rich. They are Grand Champion chess players. They anticipate every move and strategy of an opponent 12 moves in advance. Travis and Rich are also compassionate and real people. After working with them for over a year including a week-long court trial, it is clear to us they really care. They were more than prepared to win our case and we did win. Thank you to Travis, Rich, Jim, and the rest of the TrialHawk team for ensuring the healthcare provider was held accountable for the lack of care our daughter received.

James N.

$1.1 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient had prior history of cervical cerclage, but her maternal-fetal medicine physicians failed to timely schedule cerclage in a later pregnancy, leading to delivery of her baby at 18 weeks 4 days, and his death 54 minutes after birth.

$1.08 Million

Jury Verdict

Frey v. Winchester Oral Surgery Center, P.C. et al.

Patient’s upper teeth were wrongfully pulled by oral surgeon, who failed to read consent form or conduct pre-operative timeout.

My wife and I could not thank Jim and Travis enough for handling her case with such dignity and professionalism. Their unwavering dedication to this difficult litigation process is unmatched and we thank them both for believing in us the entire way. Could not have asked for two better attorneys and their entire practice.

Kurt D.

$1.0 Million

Settlement Confidential

Patient was misdiagnosed with bladder cancer by pathologist, leading to 18 months of mistaken belief that he had cancer and more than a dozen rounds of painful BCG treatment that he should not have undergone.

To the amazing lawyers at TrialHawk – thank you so very, very much for the outstanding job you have done for me. It was miraculous that I found you after a long, roundabout search. From the very beginning, Mr. Markley was so kind to come and drive me to my deposition. I know how generous all of you are and wish you such great success in your future cases. Best wishes to all of you and thank you again and again.

William M.


Settlement Confidential

Patient suffered a brachial plexus injury during the delivery process, leaving her with severe nerve damage in her affected arm.


Settlement Confidential

Patient received delayed evaluation for perforated bowel in the emergency department, leading to his premature death.